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Thank you Jean Martin Raven!

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to Jean Martin, one of our first major donors who has committed himself to the Museum . Jean Martin does not wish to make public the amount of his donation, but we are proud and happy to say publicly that thanks to his generosity, the Afromuseum can start with confidence.

An unconventional artist born in Casablanca in 1951, Jean Martin's family immigrated to Canada in 1957 when he was only six years old. Using his artist name Aka Raven, he began his professional career in his early twenties with a series of minimalist paintings. He then discovered New Art or Neo Expressionism in New York in the 80's and will be passionate about this form of expression for the next 20 years. Inspired by the environment in which he evolves, he decides to give life to abandoned objects with which he realizes assemblage sculptures. Fascinated by the influence of Mass Media, Jean Martin later decided to reappropriate posters collected on the street making this work his signature.

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